Friday, March 15, 2013

School Lunch in Korea

TGIF! My favorite dish was definitely the jjol myeon (쫄면). I even asked the lunch mothers to give me extra while I was in line. ^__^
Jjol myeon is chewy noodles mixed with fresh vegetables in spicy sauce. The noodles are literally chewy; I think that's why I like this dish so much. It has a totally different texture from ramen noodles, kalguksu noodles, pasta, etc. It's a must-try! It's usually a summer food since it's served chilled.
And I should have taken a better picture of the steamed egg! It's called rainbow steamed egg, but rainbow is not a special ingredient. The nutrition teacher made it multicolored with spinach tofu and carrot tofu. It was yummier than it sounds. Trust me.

Friday, March 15th, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
jjol myeon (야채쫄면무침),
steamed rainbow egg(무지개계란찜),
bean sprouts soup (콩나물국),
rice (차조밥),
and apples


  1. 1. I also like 쫄면 for its texture, especially with a spicy sauce like 초장 (red pepper paste, vinegar, sesame oil). Perhaps, serving the noodles in the area where the apples were served would have made it more satisfying to the eye and the stomach.
    2. Direct translation of the 'rainbow' would make it 'steamed rainbow egg.' Are you sure you meant 'tofu'?
    3. The part 'rainbow is not a special ingredient' made me smile. :)
    4. I am happy to see a color other than white in the rice portion.

    1. 1. the 쫄면 was served with the 김치 on everyone else's trays, but i asked them for extra 쫄면 so the whole tray was thrown off.
      2. fixed it. thanks ^^
