Thursday, March 7, 2013

Korean Cafeteria Food Update

Lunch is served in different ways at different elementary schools in Korea. Some of my friends tell me that their students eat lunch in their classrooms. The trays, utensils, and food are brought up to each classroom on carts. The students serve themselves and eat in the classroom. My school is different: We have a huge cafeteria, so the students come and eat in the cafeteria. They pick up trays and utensils. Then, they walk down a "buffet line" where the lunch mothers serve them nutritious portions of food. Teachers also follow this same procedure, except we always cut to the front of the line. Hehe. I usually get the normal teachers' portions, but this whole week, I've been getting the perfect amount of rice! One of the lunch mothers knows me! She'll see my face and give me half of the teacher's rice portion, which is the perfect amount. This whole week, I finished all of my rice. :)
Today, the new lunch teacher gets another thumbs up because the seaweed soup was very flavorful. I want to say it was creamy, but the soup is clear... She was able to get a good broth out of the seaweed.

Thursday, March 7th, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
quail eggs boiled in soy sauce (메추리알조림),
spicy snail salad (골뱅이무침),
red bean bread (미니 붕어빵),
seaweed soup (미역국),
and rice (혼합잡곡밥)


  1. Aw. That the lunch mothers know you well warms my heart. Hehe.
    My goodness, even the word 미니 in 미니 붕어빵 is cute.
    Could you get the recipe for the snail dish from the lunch mothers?
    Last but not least, the rice looks like plain, white rice.

    1. Why are you so interested in the snail dish? lol i sent you an email.

    2. I'd like the lunch mother's recipe. Thank you!

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't it? But I can't imagine there being enough red bean paste to balance out the bread. I imagine I'd enjoy looking at it more than eating it. Haha.
