Monday, March 11, 2013

Lunch at My Korean Elementary School

Happy Monday. I'm so glad I eat lunch at 1 o'clock. It's the last lunch period and it's pretty late, but I like eating at this time because I finish teaching at 1 o'clock. So once my last class is done, I can relax and eat lunch, relax, plan lessons, and relax. And today, the 6th grade classes were disruptive and it's only the second week of school! The students are already getting comfortable with each other and becoming friends. NOOooooo.

Moving on. Notice the rice? I went into the other lunch line and the lunch mother who serves the rice on that side gave me more than enough rice. And I should have taken a better picture of my food or at least of the soup. The soup looks unappealing, but it was actually really good and loaded with meat and vegetables.

Monday, March 11th, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
seasoned green-lentil jelly (청포묵무침),
pollack and radish stewed in soy sauce (북어무조림),
hot spicy meat stew (육개장),
and rice (흑미밥)


  1. How come you italicize 'kimchi'?
    How nice it must be to finish work at 1 p.m. What do you afterward?

  2. because kimchi is a romanized Korean word.
    I blog. I plan lessons. I do whatever I want to do- as long as it doesn't attract too much attention :)

  3. That's a lot of relaxing..
    NOOooo LOL.
    But don't they ever run out of food by the last lunch period?

    1. We never run out. We always have more than enough. But Korean have the same rules as American cafeterias: you're not allowed to take leftover food off campus.
