Thursday, March 14, 2013

School Lunch in Korea Update

My co-teacher kind of scolded me for not finishing my food. She asked me if I was picky. I told her I wasn't and before I knew it, she asked me why I always have so much left over. Oops. I admitted the pork was pretty dry. She suggested I ask for smaller portions. ^^
Happy White Day!

Thursday, March 14th, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
pork and rice cake boiled in spicy sauce (돈육사대떡찜),
cubed radish kimchi (깍두기),
stir-fried anchovies and nuts (멸치견과류볶음),
gold kiwi,
soy bean paste stew (된장찌개),
and rice (차수수밥)


  1. Is your appetite shrinking? What's going on? You were never a really big eater, but you would at least finish your rice.

    1. i dont think it's shrinking. i just think koreans eat A LOT of rice. think daddy's rice portions.
