Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Korean Cafeteria Food Update

Today's lunch was THE BOMB. I saw my tray and immediately thought, "Today's Wednesday." I scanned my tray and noticed that I liked everything on it. That rarely happens because there's usually at least 1 dish that I don't care for. Even the kimchi made me happy because it wasn't just normal kimchi- it was radish kimchi!
And kudos to the new lunch teacher because the spicy rice cakes were delicious! The previous lunch teacher has served this dish before, but it was always hard and tough to chew. Today, however, it was chewy- just like rice cake should be.
Apparently, I'm not the only one who has been noticing these changes in the lunch menus because one of my co-teacher mentioned that the cafeteria food has been more delicious this week. All of the other teachers jumped on this comment and agreed (including me)! The new 5th grade science teacher called the lunch teacher over and told her what we said. She was flattered and said she would work on making it more delicious. b^__^b

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
cubed radish kimchi (깍두기),
marinated rice cakes (떡꼬치),
Asian pear (배),
enoki mushroom miso soup (팽이버섯국),
and curry rice (카레밥)


  1. Isn't it 떡꼬치? Just making sure so you don't end up getting embarrassed later.
    So much can get done by letting someone know of what they did right (also, wrong). Result: more delicious lunches!

    1. you're right! i fixed it. i don't really proofread these..I should start!
