Tuesday, March 12, 2013

School Lunch in Korea Update

I had a faculty dinner on Friday and a Russian feast on Saturday. I feel like I gained weight over the weekend, so I'm trying to be more conscious of what I eat. It's hard to practice self-control in front of all this delicious food though!
The fried spicy chicken (or dalk gang jung) is one of my favorite Korean foods. It's the perfect snack and even makes a good meal. First, the chicken is fried. Then it's marinated in sauce that is magically spicy and sweet at the same time. And then, only the best dalk gang jung is sprinkled with peppers and crushed peanuts.

Tuesday, March 12th 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
fried spicy chicken (닭강정),
leek and cucumber kimchi salad (오이부추무침),
cubed radish kimchi (총각김치),
rice cake (떡),
squid stew (오징어찌개),
and barley rice (보리밥)


  1. 1. I do not see a single grain of barley in the picture. I suggest you ask for your money back.
    2. The 닭강정 in the meal looks a lot like what I would call 통닭. Are they the same thing, or does the latter tend to not have the peanuts and pepper seasoning?
    3. Despite the deception of the barley rice, that looks like a tasty lunch. It also makes me wish to enjoy it with you. :)

  2. 1. okay. i'll ask for all 2,000won of it back. so cheap, right?!
    2. i asked my co-teacher and she says 닭강정 is boneless and 통닭 has bones.
    3. Are you and hyungboo going to visit?? i'll buy you guys school lunch if you do!!!

  3. 1. Okay. Maybe not.
    2. Ah. Enlightened.
    3. That would be nice. :)
