Thursday, February 28, 2013


Lately, random people around me have been taking extra measure to take care of me and I'm thankful.

My vice-principal considers himself my Korea dad or uncle because he always screens my Facebook. Once any picture that looks remotely like I'm participating in debauchery is uploaded, I hear about it the next work day. It all started when he saw pictures of me at Ingyedong Bulldog's Opening Party. He INSISTS that the atmosphere looks "sexual" and that my friends seem strange. I INSIST that they're all good people and that he can trust them because most of them are English teachers. My co-teachers even took my side, saying that he might not be used to how foreigners party. (He drinks WAY more than I do so :p) Ever since those pictures, whenever I have new Facebook pictures, he drills me on me where I went and what I did. The most recent idea he had was to give me a curfew and make me take a video of my apartment to ensure that I was home. Honestly, it's not annoying. He is half-joking (I think), so it's actually kind of sweet. I think he has fun teasing me about my adventures in Korea.

My new co-teachers are also going to be wonderful. I can already feel it. My school has one more week of spring break left, but the teachers are required to come to work every day during this week. And the cafeteria is closed, so the teachers have lunch with their grade departments (1st grade, 2nd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, etc.) The nutrition teacher, nurse, etc. are assigned to various grade departments. Here's a secret: my previous co-teachers are amazing, but they would leave me hanging in situations like this. On Monday though, my new co-teachers were both quick to pre-order my lunch. Their first day as my co-teachers and they're already so thoughtful!

It's good to be thankful; it makes people happy. We are usually grateful for things or ideas: family, friends, chocolate, new job, good weather, French fries, phone, college acceptance letter, etc. But let's not forget the people in our lives and to express how thankful we are. Always be thankful for each other, and spread the love.