Thursday, February 7, 2013

Korea 1960 to 2013

Look at these pictures. They're getting so much attention on the internet lately because it's so apparent how much Korea has changed, grown, blossomed. Korea has managed to go from a third world country to a first world country, from a country that received aid to one that is now aiding other countries. It's amazing because this country was rebuilt in such a short time AFTER the Korean War that left the country in a state of destruction. After yet another person posted this on Facebook, I got curious and asked my co-teacher Lauren how she thought Korea grew so quickly and left the world in awe. She immediately gave 2 reasons: diligence and esteeming education. I wonder how other Koreans (young and old) would answer this question. Fear of North Korea? Good leadership? Prayer? Farming techniques?

On a less serious note, maybe assertive ahjummas and drunken ahjussis have a right to do so. They rebuilt the country! They can do whatever they please? I now have a little more respect for that generation of Koreans.

1 comment:

  1. I'm writing about that generation for my paper, with a ecclesiological bent though. :)
