Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lunch at a Korean School

Here's my school lunch! They gave me a TON of rice today. Even my co-teacher noticed and mentioned it. We had seasoned snails... I know, right? My school cafeteria was where I ate snails and eel for the first time ever. And I didn't know it. Snails don't taste bad with the spicy sauce. They're just really chewy.

Thursday, February 14, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
steamed chicken with carrots and mushrooms (닭찜),
seasoned snails (골뱅이무침),  
radish kimchi (깍두기),
kelp and radish soup (다시마무국),
and rice (차수수밥)


  1. You must have lost some weight...
    잘먹고 다녀라, especially the snails, which is pretty wonderful. Sometimes, I pass by the canned stuff at the supermarket and consider making it at home.
    I don't know about escargot, but the stuff doused in Korean-style sauce is a-okay!

    1. You should make it! I'm sure there are lots of nutrients...

    2. I'll make the jump once I find a good recipe. I'd like to make this for you when you come over. :)

    3. .... as long as i get some corned beef with it
