Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day in Korea

Happy Valentine's Day! Korea has 3 kinds of Valentine's Days. 2/14 is Valentine's Day, but in Korea, it's a day for girls to make and give chocolate to their boyfriends. 3/14 is called "White Day." This is another couples holiday, and boyfriends must give their girlfriends jewelry. (Give chocolate and receive bling...Girls have it better, huh?) Then there's another couples holiday on 11/11 called Pepero Day (or Pocky Day in Japan). Grls and guys give each other Pepero because the 1s look like Pepero sticks.
After living here for over 2 years, I would say that Pepero Day is the most important couples holiday. The marts are not as crowded as they are on Pepero Day.

Korean even has a single's day called Black Day (4/14). Anyone who didn't get chocolate on Valentine's Day or jewelry on White Day will go and eat jajangmyeon.

So Happy Valentine's Day!  I went to Suwon Sam Ryan's and ran into a lot of foreigners there. We ate, drank wine, and were merry. The wine gave me such a bad headache the next morning. I always forget that sweet wine will do that.

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious... it makes me want to be single. Okay, not really. ;)
    You might have allergic tendencies to some wines, which is fairly common. Live and learn.
