Thursday, February 7, 2013

Korean school cafeteria food

Whenever I see stir-fried small octopus on the menu, I always just know that lunch will be mediocre. I don't really like this dish because it takes too long to chew. In case you didn't know: I don't like having to work too hard for my food, so I don't like food that requires too much work. Lobster? Crab? Walnuts that still have the shell on them? No, thanks. Shrimp used to be on the list, but it became bearable after going to The Boiling Crab a couple times. So I didn't enjoy the octopus even though I really like the spicy sauce it's marinated in. I really liked the acorn jelly and the soup though.

Thursday, February 7, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
stir-fried small octopus (낙지볶음),
seasoned acorn jelly (도토리묵무침),
bean sprout soup (콩나물국),
and rice (율무밥).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My efficient sister. :) Are AYCE BBQ restaurants on the black list, too? You're practically paying to work. What about 월남쌈? What about steakhouses where you have to cut your own meat? What about milk where you have to exert yourself to pick up the glass??
