Monday, April 1, 2013

Cafeteria Food in Korea

Starting from this month, the cafeteria menu was arranged by the new nutrition teacher so look out for any changes. I already noticed a few: the food is cut into bigger pieces (a little more difficult to eat, especially for the Kindergarteners~3rd graders). We've never had rice cake galbi  before! We're dining well the first day of April.

Monday, April 1st, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
rounded rice cake galbi (가래떡갈비),
potatoes boiled in soy sauce based seasoning (꽈리고추감자조림),
orange slices,
Daegu city style fish stew (대구매운탕),
and brown rice (현미밥)


  1. Your hyungboo is sure to become green with envy when he comes across this entry! He says that Daegu style fish stew is his absolute favorite food.

    1. you should make some for him then! doesnt look tooo hard. practice and then make it for dad bc dad loves fish stew too. he can't eat it often bc mom doesn't eat seafood.
