Tuesday, April 16, 2013

School Lunch

Tuesday, 4/16/2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
deep fried fish (가지마고추장강정),
mushroom and broccoli stir fry (새송이브로콜리볶음),
cubed radish kimchi (깍두기),
beef leg bone soup with vegetables (사골우거지국),
and barley rice (보리밥)

1 comment:

  1. This looks tasty. We had people for fellowship last night. Per request for Korean food, John and I went on a last minute food run to H Mart for ready made ingredients for 볶음밥. Results were somewhat meager for the dish as we had come up with 오이무침, 무우채나물, along with carrots and green leaf lettuce for 채소. I know. Not even 콩나물 뭉 시금치나물?? Fortunately, it was about the fellowship than the food. :)
