Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cafeteria Food: Korean Elementary School

The kids always go for seconds lately. The whole school is seriously going to gain weight this year if the lunches continue to be this awesome. I was craving bibimbap this week. Plus, look at that beautiful corn dog. I'm glad they didnt coat it in sugar because that's what one lady at a corn dog stand did one time! Korea puts its own twist on Western food.

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 (clockwise from top left dish):
watery kimchi (물김치),
corn dog (콘후레이크핫도그),
sweet rice drink (식혜),
tofu and winter-grown cabbage soybean paste soup (두부얼갈이된장국),
bibimbap (비빔밥)


  1. "Plus, look at that beautiful corn dog."

    식혜 먹고싶다....ㅜㅜ
