Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cute Things My Kids Say

1. Yeong-seok: "Hello, vienna teacher." (because my name kind of rhymes with Vienna) He made the connection one day when we ate Vienna sausages for lunch. Now whenever he sees me, he says, "Oh Vienna teacher~ so delicious~"

2. Sang-jun: "Can you Joanna-us?"
Our lesson title was "Can you join us?" and ever since he made the connection, he always says "Can you Joanna-us?"

3. Sae-byul: "cardiovascular disease"
We're learning about symptoms like toothache, headache, etc. I asked the kids if they knew any other words and this boy says "cardiovascular disease." My Korean co-teacher is like: ... What kind of 6th grader knows these kinds of words?

4. The same boy who said "cardiovascular disease" says "Teacher, do you go to church? Why do you believe? I don't understand." Umm... you want me to talk about faith and theology with you right now? Lol.


  1. I'm praying for you in regards to point #4.

  2. On another note, I am melting right now (over the things your students say). :D

  3. Replies
    1. lol! it'd be so weird if my students called me that!
