Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Korean School Lunch Update

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 (clockwise from top left dish):
chicken salad (치킨샐러드),
cabbage kimchi (배추김치),
kiwi juice (키위쥬스),
dessert bread (증편),
and spaghetti

Have I already told you that Wednesdays are the best? We have special lunches. The chicken salad had mustard dressing. Yummy.


  1. Everything is so cute, especially the bread. It must be that metal tray that makes everything look so delicate. I wonder if it's like what Dad ate out of while he was in the military.

    1. maybe you like the idea of the tray and proportioned dishes? military guys actually dont like the trays. it feels cold compared to a warm home-cooked meal.
