Monday, December 3, 2012

Korean School Lunch Update

It's been a while since I updated about my school lunches. Today's lunch was okay. My favorite was the kimchi stew because my friend and I was craving it two days ago and BAM, we had it for lunch within the week. :)
Monday, December 3rd, 2012 (from bottom to top, left to right): rice (차수수밥), tuna kimchi stew (참치김치찌개), meatballs (떡갈비강정), radish kimchi (깍두기), fried and marinated squid (오징어귀채볶음), and a gold kiwi for dessert!


  1. Why does the person sitting across from you have 3 pieces of kiwi while you have only one? I hope it's not because you got on the bad side of the dessert lady.

  2. haha. good observation. If you come later, you get extra for dessert because they know they aren't short.
