Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Typical Tuesday

I'm really really going to try to keep up with this. After all, it's not like I have tons of money saved up to show for my 3 years in Korea. Yes, I have pictures, but those are getting fewer and fewer too. I just read my friends' blogs and got motivated! So...here I am, sitting alone in the office...blasting my Jango Christmas Pop channel...and writing in my blog. It's rare for me to be the only one in the office and I'm not complaining! I enjoy this "me time." L is at the teacher's yoga club meeting. J is ... probably in a meeting with the 5th grade teachers. C is always popular: she's like superwoman and other teachers know it. S is teaching his after-school classes. On a typical Tuesday, I am happy. Why? I see my 2 most difficult classes on Monday and Tuesday, then I don't have to see them again until next week. Typical Tuesdays can also be Tiring Tuesdays, but they're nothing compared to Monster Mondays; Seriously, these kids can bring out the monster in me. The Monday blues probably don't help either. ;)

Last Saturday, I visited my uncle's new apartment and stayed the night. I went out to a pizza and pasta dinner with him and his family on Saturday. They took me to a hipster restaurant somewhere close to Hongdae. It was called Ci Vediamo and I tried my first ever samgyeopsal pasta. The sauce tasted like a mixture of olive oil sauce and dwenjang (even the pasta sauce was a fusion of the West and Asia). It was delicious and not greasy like samgyeopsal normally is! I'll have to remember that dish when I'm craving samgyeopsal and pasta, but am too realistic to eat both. >.< Here are some pictures stolen from someone's Naver blog.

We also ate a salad pizza and a gorgonzola pizza. Am I the only one who didn't know honey is sprinkled on gorgonzola pizza?! The salad pizza was my favorite of the 2 pizzas though. It was a good mixture of deliciously greasy pizza and fresh salad. Here's a picture, but ours included radicchio. Yum!

 It's 4:37. As a foreign teacher, I should have been out of here 7 minutes ago! S is going to help me shop for a padded winter coat. Happy shopping and happy Tuesday!

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