Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Mother's Prayer

Listen to this song if you wish to be a godly mother, but know the realities of the world: A Mother's Prayer

I am honestly scared to have children because I know what the world is like. I know of the evils: the temptations, the fears, the anxieties, the anger....I feel I won't be at peace unless I can lock them up. I'm scared they'll wander-too far from me. But, after listening to this song, God reminded me of the power of two things: God's protection and a mother's prayer. The power of a mother's love is strong, bold, courageous, fierce; the power of a mother's prayer is just as mighty. The temptations of the world may be overwhelming, but nothing is impossible with our Father.

"pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

A tip for guys: "Lead Me"

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