Monday, March 12, 2012


I am a reserved person. Well, in some situations, I'm able to put myself out there, but I usually don't talk a lot about myself. It's hard to get to know someone with my personality, unless you're willing to drag things out of me.... I don't know why I'm like that either. I do like talking, but maybe it's the Asian in me that keeps me shushed. On Friday though, I apparently babbled a lot- in a good way though. I remember giving one of my friends a talking to, telling him how he's been really emo and seems depressed lately. I told him, "You're leaving Korea soon when you don't really want to leave, so I think you've been thinking too much lately and it's bringing you down. It's making you act differently." I don't remember our conversation word for word, but my babbling did some good, because he took it to heart! Yesterday, he messaged me to say thank you for what I told him. He told me I am a good friend. This friend absolutely loves Korea- to the point that he put in the effort to learn Korean during the 3 years he lived here. I thought he was the type who would live here for as long as he could, so I can see why he seems confused. When people leave Korea, some are ready to get out of here; some leave with hesitations. I wonder which category I'll fall into come September. I really hope I'm ready and excited to start a new chapter of my life, rather than afraid of what is to come.

1 comment:

  1. Johnna, remember what the chiropractor told you when we got ourselves checked out many years ago? "Talk more." I'd like to add to that. It's important to be around trustworthy company.
