Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bad Start

Yes, I'm off to a bad start with the school. The apartments the school moved me and the other English teacher (her name is Jessica. you'll probably be hearing about her a lot) are far from luxurious. In the state that it's in right now, it's not even liveable. The English teacher who lived there before broke his contract, so nobody has been living there since then. I'm not sure when he left, but from the looks of the apartment, it's been a while. There are layers of dust and dirt everywhere. The mis-matched furniture are piled up on top of each other. I have no bed and the remote to my AC is missing. One of my windows doesn't have a screen, so I shouldn't open that window, lest I want bugs to come in, says the Korean co-teacher who dropped us off. I got a bug bite the first night I slept there. Standing in the bathroom gives me the shivers. It's just gross. The Korean co-teacher is being really stubborn about the whole situation too. The school had a bad experience with a previous English teacher who didn't show up for work and cancelled his contract, so he is unwilling to put money out for us until he sees how we do our jobs. This attitude seems very improfessional to me.
Jessica's apartment is not as bad because the previous teacher managed to stick it through for the year and she left it in a liveable condition. I have been finding myself spending a lot of time in her apartment. Sharing this experience has brought us quite close. :--) We both contacted our recruiters and they will be coming down today to take a look at our places. I am hoping they come in and swoop us out of here like ladies-in-waiting in shining armor. (I wish I could use "knights," but they are ladies.) I'm counting down the hours until they get here. Meanwhile, we're going to go out and eat lunch! Well, I'm going to try to eat because I really haven't had much of an appetite since I moved in. I think it's from a combination of stress and discomfort. I think Jessica is worried about me, but she hasn't seen people fast like I have!


  1. hey johnna,
    sorry to hear about the living condition of your apt. i pray that God provide a clean living condition for you soon. take care =)

  2. 따! :(
    you didn't mention the recruiters dropping by...
    how did that go?
    shouldn't the program ppl take care of the issue with the school?
    it's not your fault... the school should take it up to the program ppl... :(
    힘내 친구!
