Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello, friends in America (and maybe a couple of readers in Korea). I haven’t been able to update my blog as much as I’d like because I have no internet at my apartment yet. I’m secretly updating my blog from work because I’m exploding with stories to tell! There were so many “firsts” this past week: I met my Korean co-teacher for the first time. I met the teachers whom I will be sharing an office with for the next year. I met my students. I got my first haircut of the year in Myeong dong. I had my first drink in Korea with Jessica last night (she liked the Korean rice wine!). I went to my first kpop concert. I went to my first 회식 (staff dinner). I signed up for a cell phone. I made my first lesson plan. I checked out Young Nak Church in Seoul this past Sunday. I got lost for the first time. Etc~ But before I can blog about any of these things, I should update my blog about my housing status. Korvia recruiters came down to see Jessica’s and my apartments, but they couldn’t do much. They pretty much came down to show they cared, which was really nice of them because their office is about an hour away. We talked about the situation and decided that Korvia would pay for a cleaning service to work on my apartment. Afterward, they took us to eat Korean BBQ in nearby Yeong Tong. They wanted to show us around Yeong Tong because there’s so much to see and do there. It’s located next to a college, so the area is catered toward college students. During dinner, they were patient enough to listen to us vent. Haha Jessica and I were so dissatisfied with the whole situation then. Now, we can laugh about it (kind of). We’re trying to make the best of the situation. :--)

To make a long story short:
I asked the school to move us to cleaner apartments. The Korean teacher said no because the school had already signed the lease.
I asked the school to have my apartment cleaned for me because it was too difficult on my own. The Korean teacher said the school doesn’t have money, so Korvia paid for the service.
I asked the school to buy me a bed. The Korean teacher said this might be possible later, but that he would have to look at the budget books.
I asked the school for an AC remote because it can’t be turned on manually. The Korean teacher said the school doesn’t have money. It is missing because the Korean teacher didn’t inspect the place carefully after the previous teacher moved out.

At this point, I was really fed up, so I told the Korean teacher that the whole situation made me think that the school isn’t ready to have two native English teachers. I told him it made me question whether I should stay or not. He listened pretty calmly and he told me the school’s postition. I think honesty was the best policy at that point. He understands me better and I feel like I can empathize with the school. I decided to stick it out at the school for this year. I haven’t given up on the AC remote or a bed though because I know I deserve those two things at the least!

I think my first day at the school played a big part in my decision to stay here. The teachers whom I share the office with are all friendly and welcoming. One female teacher, in particular, is a really warm person. She told us to let her know if we need anything from Costco because she can pick it up for us when she goes. And when she gave me her phone number, she told me to call her if anything happens. <3 I was deeply touched. Hehe

Well, cheers to a more positive outlook! I received a lot of encouragement through the Word and from people’s messages throughout the messy situation. I’m feeling a lot better now and my appetite came back. I can say, with confidence, “God, I surrender.” I don’t know what I’m doing here, but rather than spending the year in bitterness, I’m going to discover His plan.


  1. ok... nm my last comment... i just figured out how to navigate your blog... -____-
    i've never felt so technology-illiterate than just now--trying to navigate through your twitter and blog site... haha

    i'm glad things are better... and you should def keep pushing for your bed and ac remote!

    isn't it still hot there???

    when are the cleaning ppl getting there?

    do the kids 말 잘 들어?


    you need to send me your addy! and #!!!
    send me your address asap~
    i'll send you a care package~ :)

    힘내, 친구!

  2. Hi Johnna,

    1 Peter 5:6-11
    Be encouraged.

    Love you and miss you lots.

    - Unni

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the state of your apartment, but I admire that you're taking action while remaining patient and positive! That's the Johnna I know ;) I hope things get better for you, and that teaching is a rewarding experience. Just remember to take care of yourself and EAT. lots of yummmy Korean food!

    i'm going to be cheesy and post a quote-
    "Give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."
    - Reinhold Niebuhr

    We miss you here in the US!! :) Keep these blog posts coming!
