Thursday, November 22, 2012

School Food Update

Today marks the introduction of my school food blog updates. I live alone in Korea and the Korean kitchen is not as big or as supplied as I'd like it to be, so nutritious home-cooked meals are, sadly, hard to come by. It's a good thing I work at a public school though because my school food rocks my socks off! They're really cheap too (about 2,000 Korean won for each meal). Cheap, delicious, and nutritious? Yes!
Thursday, November 22, 2012: rice (밥), seaweed soup (미억국), pork bulgogi (돼지불고기), acorn jelly (도토리묵 무침), kimchi (김치), and a kiwi for dessert.

These are teacher-sized portions, which is A LOT of food. Korean teachers eat so much and so fast. How do they digest everything so well and stay so skinny?

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