Wednesday, November 28, 2012

School Food Update

Wednesdays are exciting because the lunches are always special and better. Lunch is good and it's a shortened day, so the kids are happy.
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012: burdock bibimbap with sauce (우엉밥, 양념간장), radish soy bean paste soup (열무된장국)*, pineapple pieces, fried chicken kebab (닭꼬치), and kimchi (김치).
Guess what the kids wanted seconds of?
*Note: 된장국 and 된장찌개 are different types of soup. What I had for lunch today was 국, so the taste is a little more diluted compared to 찌개.국 can also translate to soup and 찌개 to stew.


  1. I thought stews were more dense in flavor than soups. This past Tuesday night, I attempted to make kimchi stew. The result was a soup because I had added too much broth/water, which tends to be less flavorful and watery than stew.


  2. Unni, youre right! i was confused, but i fixed it. thanks!
