Friday, October 8, 2010

On a Friday Afternoon

This week has been crazy: The school faculty played volleyball three days this week (On Thursday, another school came to play an actual game.). Ive been having a hard time waking up all week. The students took midterm exams on Friday, so the class schedules were adjusted. And all week, my students have been more talkative than usual and more disruptive. I didnt know what was going on because even the classes that are normally good were acting up. On Thursday, I was talking about it with Jessica (the other native English teacher) and I found out that her students have been crazy all week too! It made me a little relieved. Then, I started thinking, Maybe my students are getting used to meThey were behaving well because I was still new, but now that Im a familiar face, they are letting themselves get comfortable. Just as I started to brainstorm disciplinary ideas in my head, my co-teacher brought it up! During one of our classes, she asked the students, Why are you guys so talkative today? Are exams stressing you out? I thought, Oh my gosh! Shes right! It was like an epiphany! I guess my co-teacher knew by her teacher instinct? After our last class, all of the English teachers at the school talked about it in our office. Apparently, all of the students have been wild all week. Since the students finished their exams today and will have a weekend to have some fun, they should be settled down on Monday, right? Lets hope so. :--)

This week, I finally got internet and cable TV at my place. Im blogging from school, but I feel so happy knowing I could do it from home. Hehe Lately, Ive been reminding myself to give thanks. The first 2-3 weeks in Korea were really rough and I was full of nothing but bitterness. It was very easy to complain and to question, but very hard to say thank You. After 2-3 weeks of this, I knew my attitude had to change. It was obvious that I was not fully surrendering to God and with that attitude, it would be hard to enjoy Korea. So, I started to pray a prayer of thanksgiving every night. I prayed over everything, even minor details. Its been about a month since I started to do this and I know its helping: It reminds me to love the Korean teachers. It reminds me to love life. It reminds me that I live for His glory.  
Thank You for my new bed.
Thank You for my new TV.
Thank You for my new AC remote.
Thank You for my co-teacher who is just wonderful and so accommodating!
Thank You for showing me that Im not the only English teacher who struggled here.
Thank You for all the friends I met at GEPIK orientation!
Thank You for Jessicas honesty.
Thank You for transforming me in the small month I
ve been here.
Thank You for my internet connection and my cable TV.
Thank You for TV다시보기 so that I can catch up on my Korean dramas. Haha
Thank You for my first care package. .(완전 surprise and 감동.)
Thank You for the random phone calls from my relatives who call to see if anythings going on.
Thank You for the variety in the delicious school lunches. ^__^
Thank You for helping me to love my students.
Thank You for allowing me wisdom and discernment each and every day I teach.
Thank You for my first paycheck. Haha
Thank You for giving me money when I go on business trips. (I did not know this until it showed up in my bank account. Plus, business trips are fun because you get to go home as soon as your business is done. Woohoo!)
Thank You for cleaning supplies.
Thank You for the wonderful Korean teachers I share the office with.
Thank You for all of the foreigners in my neighborhood! (Some teachers dont have any in their neighborhoods. We have about six!)
Thank You for bringing Diana relatively close to me.
Thank You for BJ gsn. He reminded me of the grace I had forgotten.
Thank You for Heejeong because I feel less lost with a close friend nearby.
Thank You for reminding me how much I appreciate friends and family back home.
Thank You for protecting me.

Did you guys notice the first 3? Oh YEAH~~ Dad is good. <3


  1. glad to know that things are getting better. way to hang in there, johnna! you're one tough cookie. :P miss ya!

  2. :) hi johnna! i miss yah! i've been jogging with elis a lot lately! can't wait till you visit so we can all catch up! :D
