Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Do you ever get an eerie feeling after seeing a person?? Maybe that person has a creepy stare, or you just get a bad vibe from that person? I usually trust what my gut tells me, especially when it comes to choosing whether I should trust a person or not. I think the Holy Spirit really aids me. Well, today in class, I got that feeling! Don't worry; it's not a scary story. My co-teacher was leading the class in review exercises, so I was walking around the classroom. I stood in the back, leaning against a block and noticed two boys fooling around. I shhsed them and they turned around to see who had shhsed them. I distinctly remembered seeing one of the boys in a different class. My first reaction was, "What are you doing in this class???" Then, he seemed different to me and I started to get creeped out... I kept staring at him... I confirmed to myself, "Yes, Johnna, this is the same face. So then what is he doing here? Shouldn't he be in class?" I started to think, "Maybe he has a twin?" Later on in the class, I found some free time to ask my co-teacher, "Does he have a brother." She asked me, "Why." I said, "He looks like another one of our students." She tells me, "Yes, he has a twin in the other 5th grade class. His name is Mingyu. His brother's name is Mingoo." I was amazed! She laughed at me. Then, she told the whole class that I had noticed that Mingyu is a twin. I went to Mingyu and started to tell him about MY twin sister. heheehe Now, I know how weird it is for people who know me to see Elis, or vice-versa. Very trippy~~ I felt like a bad teacher because it took me 2 months to notice I had the same face in two of my classes each week, but my co-teacher seemed to think it was an early observation. My goal is to learn each of my students' names by the end of the year! I have 4 more months to learn about 330 names...... :/ Anyways, they're both such cuties :-)


  1. Hi Johnna! This is Jiyoon~ How are you doing...? :) I haven't had a chance to read your blog until now. How is Korea treating you? Just by being at a new place, it can get pretty stressful... but him nae~!! There are people there you've met and will meet that God has brought to you. Teaching can be really fun, too, although I taught hakwon and it was a lot smaller.. not at all close to your 330 kids. Haha. Have fun, write often! Hehe. :)

  2. Johnna! You got me all scared when you started to talk about getting an eerie feeling... I thought you had met someone with such presence on the street or whatnot and he/she had done something to you. (!)

  3. I have a twin too in my classes! I only noticed it last week so don't feel bad.

  4. this reminds me of the time i was at kccc hq, looked into a room and thought i saw you... but i thought in my head, 'johnna is in sd, though....'
    and i looked again... and it def looked like you...
    so i got that freaky feeling.....

    then i looked closely and it wasn't you... it was elis.... hahaha :)

  5. hahaha awesome :)
    i remember the first time i met elis lol
