Thursday, January 20, 2011

thank You

I don't know if it's my sister's lengthy email, the fact that I'm alone in the office, or the kpop ballads I'm listening to, but I'm feeling very emo... My dad was recently in a car accident. I don't know the details to the accident, but I think it wasn't a small accident, considering my dad had to get a new truck. When I heard the news, I wanted to be with my family, but here I am in Korea, so many miles away. Yes, it was very frustrating. I talked to my dad and he didnt go to the hospital! He's going to do it "Korean style" and see how he feels after a couple days...I told him he must go (and hopefully he did). I've been thinking, "I hope he's not sick. I hope he's not hurt. I hope it's nothing big." But after reading my sister's email, I was overwhelmed with the realization that it could have been a lot worse. To put it bluntly, I should be thankful that he's alive... I mustn't forget to be thankful. There's always something to be thankful for.

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