Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#2 on my bucket list

It's -2 C in Korea right now, but I have nice bikini tan. How? I spent 2 weeks of my winter vacation in Thailand. There's a lot I can say about this trip, but I only have 20 minutes before I'm off work (In other words, not enough time.). In Thailand, I met so many people from all around the world. I met people from Africa, the USA, Sweden, Australia, France, Austria, etc. Some were traveling for 7 months, some for 2, and one until his funds run out. They were definitely not letting life just pass them by without welcoming adventure. I like adventure too, but I still like logic and caution. Lately, I've been trying to not be such a control freak. I want to seize the day, pursue my passions, and do what I want to do. I knew I always wanted to become fluent in Spanish. I tell everyone (if it comes up). I might take the leap this fall. After I finish my contract in Korea in September, I'll go home for my sister's wedding. And I might just buy a ticket for South America. Don't know where or what I'll do there: teach English? volunteer? just travel? Maybe all three? Doesn't matter. I just want to learn Spanish. If I want to retain all the glorious Spanish I'll know, regular trips to Mexico might have to start.

2. Become fluent in Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa... it's really weird to realize that I'm that sister when you say "I'll go home for my sister's wedding." These are the times when I'm just at disbelief that soon I'll be married.

    I'm filled with regret whenever I come to think about my 5+ years of training in the Spanish language. I was reading literature, for goodness sakes; and now, what do I have to show for it: a whole lot of "holas" and a lot more of "Yo tambien" just to justify that I know the irregularities. It would be wonderful to go to a Spanish-country to delve into the culture and become acclimated with the language if there's the opportunity. I wonder if there are any opportunities that might have merit; please do your research with your "logical and cautious" self. That's probably worth a lot more than any experience and language proficiency.
    Let's keep the dialogue about this; I'd love to talk with you about it. I might be able to refer you to some people who have a wealth of experience living in Latin American countries as a missionary/vagabond/hometown.

    Also, take me with you when you can. Make sure it fits with my married life schedule. :)
