Friday, February 17, 2012


Mexican food
M&M donuts
RH truck fest
Hot Cheetos
Happy Wok
Panda Express
In n Out
mom's spring rolls
red velvet cake or cupcakes

Abercrombie and Fitch
Victoria's Secret
Hair dye
ranch dressing
cheeto puffs
toy store

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#2 on my bucket list

It's -2 C in Korea right now, but I have nice bikini tan. How? I spent 2 weeks of my winter vacation in Thailand. There's a lot I can say about this trip, but I only have 20 minutes before I'm off work (In other words, not enough time.). In Thailand, I met so many people from all around the world. I met people from Africa, the USA, Sweden, Australia, France, Austria, etc. Some were traveling for 7 months, some for 2, and one until his funds run out. They were definitely not letting life just pass them by without welcoming adventure. I like adventure too, but I still like logic and caution. Lately, I've been trying to not be such a control freak. I want to seize the day, pursue my passions, and do what I want to do. I knew I always wanted to become fluent in Spanish. I tell everyone (if it comes up). I might take the leap this fall. After I finish my contract in Korea in September, I'll go home for my sister's wedding. And I might just buy a ticket for South America. Don't know where or what I'll do there: teach English? volunteer? just travel? Maybe all three? Doesn't matter. I just want to learn Spanish. If I want to retain all the glorious Spanish I'll know, regular trips to Mexico might have to start.

2. Become fluent in Spanish.