Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Afternoon

Since it is the beginning of a new school year, my school made lots (and I mean lots) of changes to the English department. One of the changes is in the teachers: one male teacher left and one female teacher came in. These days in our office, we have 5 female English teachers. Simon's classes haven't started yet, so he's not in the office yet. All estrogen.
Right now, the 3 Korean teachers are huddled around the portable heater and they're talking about setting the new female teacher up with a guy. One of the Korean teachers is an ahjumma and she apparently has a high success record in matchmaking. The new co-teacher is excited; She is even asking her to look around for a girl for her older brother. The other Korean teachers are excited too. They're all racking their brains for all the single potential guys they can think of. They're having a serious discussion about her list. And wow! She's Christian! Her family doesn't go to church, but she became a Christian through her best friends' guidance. Amazing, really amazing. I feel really encouraged because it seems like a sign from God. I'm slowly finding out that there are Christian teachers at my school. I get super excited when I find out about this kind of stuff. It's like....uncovering hidden treasures that God laid out for me. Maybe I'm overreacting? They probably have no idea about the excitement I feel. I hope I'm not subconsciously staring at them whenever we're in the same room!
Anyways, I wish she could set me up. Am I still at the age where I would get the "you're so young. wait your turn." response?


  1. Johnna, you make me smile like this: :D

    I'm glad you found some form of accountability in the workplace. I have that in my workplace, too. :p

    Also, serious question: Would you seriously consider dating someone and (potentially) getting married to someone you met being where you are (literally and in life)?


  2. Also, I've heard stories about your fellow teachers. Now, I have yet to hear about your students. :p

    Btw, I like your yellow background. It reminds me of bread, and for some reason, roosters. ^.~?
