Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't you wish we could apparate?

Yes, I wish I could apparate, even for just one day. (And yes, I'm reading a Harry Potter book these days.)
I wish.. I could have a day to go home to talk with friends and family. These days, I feel like a phone call nor a skype call just doesn't cut it. I miss girl talks with the people who know you best. Don't get me wrong. I'm so thankful for the friends, no, family (they're pretty much family now) that I have here. I just know I need the kind of advice that my friends and family back home give me. Wow, I think I'm homesick.


  1. apparate 히어!
    when will you be coming back?

    shall we go on a trip to NY?~~~~ hehe
    Jiyoung and I have been itching for a trip! we miss Seattle trip so much.... xp

    these days, I've realized how everyone thinks you're just cute and innocent... but I have a deep respect for you... respect and fear... lol!!!!!!
    I love you~~

  2. i know this is from a while back, but i really wish you (or i) could apparate too, i miss you tons!!!

    homesickness sucks...

    but knowing that you have friends you can go back to kinda helps. you're not going to be away forever!

    take care, talk to you sooon!
